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Skånelaholm Castle &  Skånela Heritage Museum Museum

Castles & Country Houses, Gardens & Parks, Museums & Art Centres
Skånelaholm Castle, a former abbey and crown estate manor, offers much to see, such as furniture, art, books, a natura medica cabinet from the 18th century and a collection of carriages from the 19th century, collected by the last owners.

The house is surrounded by an English-style landscape park, with promenades and avenues.

For the longest period, from 1742 to 1918, Skånelaholm was in the possession of the Jennings family, owners of ironworks. It was purchased in 1929 by Herbert Rettig, who donated the castle to the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities.

Skånela Heritage Museum, founded in 1935, houses a large number of peasant artefacts collected by Herbert Rettig.

For more detailed information, see website



Skånelaholm Castle &  Skånela Heritage Museum Museum

Skånelaholm 121
195 96 Rosersberg